Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Chart
2) Components
3) Container
4) Data Model
5) Development
6) Effects
7) Event
8) Graphics
9) Grid
10) Style
1) A VideoDisplay control
2) Access a JPEG image at run time
3) Add font weight to embedded font
4) Add image based border skin for Canvas
5) Adding an icon to the button
6) Apply boldface or oblique type to controls inline
7) Apply embedded font inline
8) Apply Multiple Faces Inline
9) Assigning an image to a variable to decouple its location
10) AutoPlay, autoRewind for VideoDisplay
11) Bind Image to a variable
12) Bind icon to class
13) BitMap Scaling
14) Bitmap Shader
15) Blend Modes
16) BlendMode DIFFERENCE, BlendMode ERASE, BlendMode HARDLIGHT, BlendMode INVERT
17) BlendMode LAYER, BlendMode LIGHTEN, BlendMode MULTIPLY, BlendMode NORMAL
18) BlendMode OVERLAY, BlendMode SCREEN, BlendMode SUBTRACT
19) Button with Embedded image
20) By specifying a height and width of 20 by 20 pixels, you create a thumbnail of the image
21) Change font size with CSS
22) Change Image source in button action
23) Change the rectangles color when you click the button
24) Compare Two Bitmap Images
25) Complete and mediaPlayerStateChange events dispatched by the VideoPlayer control
26) Create a Video Display
27) Create image thumbnails
28) Create shape and draw with graphics
29) Creating a custom drag image
30) CuePointEvent Demo
31) Define and use font face
32) Define fontSize, an inheritable property, to the global selector
33) Define the fontSize property with a value of 20 pixels
34) Detect connection error when loading flv with VideoDisplay
35) Detecting a connection error when loading an FLV with the VideoDisplay control
36) Detecting Embedded Fonts
37) Determine All Fonts Installed on a Users Computer
38) Device Font
39) Dispatch a cuePoint event
40) Display a Custom Loader while Loading Images
41) Display Bitmap Data in a Graphic Element
42) Display Images and SWFs in HTML
43) Do not maintain Aspect Ratio when displaying image with Image
44) Drag and Drop Image, Copy Move
45) Drag and drop image on Canvas
46) Drag and drop image on Canvas with ghost image
47) Drag and move an Image from one Canvas to another Canvas
48) Drag to copy image between two Canvas controls
49) Draw two rectangles with strokes and fills One rectangle has rounded corners
50) Embed a JPEG image into a Flex application
51) Embed a ttf font file
52) Embed both a non-CFF version and a CFF version of the font
53) Embed Font
54) Embed Font with ActionScript
55) Embed fonts by location by using the [Embed] tag syntax
56) Embed same font for different character ranges
57) Embed same font twice, each time restricting the font to different character ranges
58) Embedded Font Character Range
59) Embedded Font Face Inline
60) Embedded Font Face with ActionScript By Location
61) Embedding a font by specifying a filename
62) Embedding three images and applies those images as skins to an instance of a Button control
63) Emebedded font families
64) Enumerate Fonts
65) Explicit sizing for the Image control and default sizing for the Button control
66) Font face and font family
67) Fonts are inheritable style properties
68) Graphic Bitmap in ActionScript
69) Image as Button skin
70) Image Binding
71) Image Class
72) Image click event
73) Image control io error
74) Image Demo
75) Image Load Event
76) Image resize events
77) Image source file
78) Import a green square from a SWF file that contains a library of different shapes
79) Layout images in a Canvas
80) List embedded fonts
81) Listen for a Flash Videos cue points with VideoDisplay
82) Load a simple image from a local location
83) Load and Display an Image
84) Load font from ttf file and use it in style
85) Load Image With Load method from a disk file
86) Load image file for an Image control with load method
87) Load image from a URL
88) Load image with Loader and Paint image with graphics
89) Load video with Remote Data Providers
90) Look up VideoDisplays metadata cuePoints and compare to current cue point object
91) Maintain Image Aspect Ratio
92) Make maxFontSize and minFontSize properties that you defined as variables usable
93) Mask clip a shape in MXML
94) Move Image
95) Multiple Faces
96) Play a single F4V file from Flash Media Server
97) Play video from a URL
98) Play video with VideoPlay
99) Png image based skin
100) Point to defined ranges with unicodeRange attribute of @font-face declaration
101) RadialGradient demo
102) Read and Save a Users Webcam Image
103) Ready, rewind, playheadUpdate, close, complete and progress actions for VideoDisplay
104) Reference an image by using a URL
105) Reference an image using a URL
106) Resize Image to exact height and width
107) Resize logo to the exact values of the height and width properties without regard for its aspect ratio
108) Reuse the embedded font inside other style definitions
109) Rotate a Button with Rotate3D
110) Scale an Image with Embed setting
111) Scale an image by setting its width and height
112) Selector defines the fontSize as x-small
113) Set cue points for the VideoDisplay control by using the cuePointManager property
114) Set device font
115) Set fontFamily style property in MXML
116) Set height and width of the image to 150 by 200 pixels
117) Set Image Source to change image file for an Image control
118) Set image transform center to the right edge, corresponding to the transormX property having a value of 100
119) Set the default leaf icon to null to hide it, and uses custom icons for the folder open and closed icons
120) Set the fontSize to 15 and the color to 0x9933FF
121) Set unicode range for font face
122) Setting ranges in font-face declarations
123) Setting visibility
124) Show the user of the DynamicStreamingVideoSource object
125) Skin based on png images
126) Skin with image
127) Specify fontWeight and fontStyle in the @font-face and selector blocks
128) Style for embedded font
129) Sub Component Inheritance for font size style
130) Text can flow around the image
131) The use of the fonttag
132) Transform around Vector3D
133) Use @Resource directive anywhere a String might supply the location of the image
134) Use a relative path to reference an image in an assets directory
135) Use a VideoDisplay control
136) Use ActionScript to set image properties
137) Use Blend Modes with Multiple Images
138) Use Button to control VideoDisplay
139) Use default event mode to track loading progress of an image using the Image control
140) Use default event mode to track the progress of loading an image by using the Image control
141) Use Embedded Fonts
142) Use embedded fonts for your axis titles
143) Use font tag
144) Use Image control in an MXML file
145) Use Image control to display image
146) Use Image control to load a draggable image into a Canvas container
147) Use iconFunction to determine the icon to display
148) Use inline item renderer to display image
149) Use load() method to replace a small image with a large image when the user clicks a button
150) Use load() method to replace image
151) Use myFontFamily, the value of the fontFamily property, as the font in the VGroup type selector
152) Use solid color to fill a Rect
153) Use solid color to fill an Ellipse
154) Use source for Image controls and other controls that point to an external file
155) Use the backgroundImage style to specify an image as the background of the container
156) Use the pause() and play() to pause or play an FLV file
157) Use VideoDisplay attachCamera() method to display a video stream from a camera
158) Use VideoDisplay control to import a media stream from Macromedia Flash Media Server 2 from Adobe
159) Uses explicit sizing for the Image control and default sizing for the Button control
160) Using 9-slice scaling to maintain a set border, regardless of how the image itself is resized
161) Using GIF file as both a skin for the Button control and a source for the mx
162) Using LinearGradient
163) Using MXML graphics to draw a filled rectangle
164) Using postLayoutTransformOffsets property to modify the position and scale of a component
165) Using solid color to paint a Rectangle
166) Using the img tag and how text can flow around the image
167) VideoDisplay Camera
168) VideoDisplay CuePoint Manager
169) VideoDisplay FMS
170) When the playhead of the VideoDisplay control reaches a cue point, it dispatches a cuePoint event
171) When the user clicks the button, the action sets the visible property of the image to true to make it appear
172) Working with different media types
173) X and y properties specify the upper-left corner of image